singing online

in the plum village tradition

  1. Share your screen (including your audio)

  2. Scroll down to the song list (the songs may take a few seconds to appear)

  3. Ask your sangha to choose a song

  4. Mute all mics (including yours)

  5. Click on the song name

  6. Click the play button on the song file

  7. Scroll through the lyrics as the song is playing

  8. Click ‘back to song list’ to choose another song

  9. Once you’ve finished practicing, stop sharing your screen

Using this songbook for online practice

Song List

singing as a practice

“It is beneficial to sing as part of our meditation practice. The music helps us remember the words of the guided meditation that have been incorporated into the song. Once a meditation is memorized it is much easier to put it into practice in a natural way, whether we are sitting or engaged in any activity.

Before beginning a Dharma talk or a Dharma discussion, singing a song can help create a calm and joyful atmosphere. While singing we practice the words that we are singing. If we sing the word "flower" we feel the freshness of the flower as we sing. 

We can also use the singing or music of the song as an accompaniment to our breathing.

– Thich Nhat Hanh