
in the plum village tradition

Working mindfully, working joyfully

Dear friends,

Plumline supports Sanghas in the Plum Village tradition. We are a movement of the Plum Village lay community, supported by the Order of Interbeing and our monastic siblings.

Plumline supports sangha building by being a place that anyone could reach out to for community and support, especially when it is not available anywhere else for them.

For example, imagine someone attending a retreat and is inspired by Thich Nhat Hanh’s call for everyone to start sanghas in their communities. This person returns home to find that a local sangha doesn’t exist, and so they would like to start one. However, being fairly new to the practice and without connections to experienced practitioners, much less Order of Interbeing members or monastics, they don’t know where or how to start.

Such a person can reach out to Plumline for support. They can attend training sessions, receive a mentor, and join the facilitators’ sangha, connecting with experienced practitioners and feeling supported on their path of building a sangha.

Plumline allows the bodhicitta energy within the practice community to express itself out into the world in many beautiful ways. This expression naturally, and organically, evolves with the ever changing conditions.

Today, there are around a dozen of us plumliners offering our time, energy and skills in various forms, tomorrow this will change. Whatever the conditions, we always aspire to flow together in harmony and awareness, carrying out our work mindfully, with joy and ease.

If you would like to join us on this journey, please reach out. Being with friends who share our aspiration to support sangha builders build sangha can be very nourishing.